How to create a clickable banner
So, you'd like to make a clickable banner to use instead of a plain old url. Generally if you are using the banner in a link exchange, then the webmaster/mistress of that site takes care of that. You simply supply the banner and url to them. If it is for on a main webpage of a site then you should have acc...
How to Reply to a Post in "What's New In the Attic"
Because What's New In the Attic is in blog format, some of you might not know how to make a reply there. It's realy very easy: Can't get easier than that .
How to make a screen shot
A "screenshot" is a snapshot of what's on your computer's screen. To create a screenshot follow these steps:The first step is to create the windows that you want to capture and leave them up on the screen.Just to the right of your keyboard, you should see three groups of keys. The lower set o...
Add an avatar - change your profile
You've probably noticed that your nicname is underlined in the left side column when you post. Simply click that to bring up your profile page. You can also view another's profile in the same way. Once the page is up, you'll see a menu of assorted goodies you can use. 'HOME' will bring you back to the bo...
Changing your password
Sometimes I create message board accounts for folks, and I assume they may like to change their password, and sometimes a body just wants to change. This is how to do it: First log into your account. From there you should click on the "User Details" button near the top of the window. Next...
Adding a Picture to Posts
How to add a picture to your post from your PC Personally I find this exciting! Thanks to super sleuth CJ adding a picture to your post has gotten easier then ever! scroll down on start new topic or reply and check the box marked Attach Image (s) Click the browse button to search for the picture (s) you...
Sign In Help
It has come to my attention that some folks are having problems signing into the message board. I suspect that is because it is on its own server, and sometimes doesn't recognize that you've already signed in under the 'Join Us'. To avoid this please be sure you register in both areas. Under 'Joi...