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TOPIC: Hi! How are you?

Hi! How are you?


    I thought it might be nice for us to have a place to post hello's and other random stuff, that just doesn't seem to fit in anywhere else.  It doesn't have to be  desertation, just a kindof checking in, so we know you're alive.  So...

How the heck are YOU?

-- Edited by valkricry on Wednesday 5th of June 2013 08:47:45 AM

-- Edited by valkricry on Wednesday 5th of June 2013 09:36:19 AM


RE: The Coffee Shop- or Hi how are you?

Glad to see what's been going on with the new community.. I know it's gonna take a lot of trial & error posting.. at least from me biggrin.. but 'm willin to give it a goaww. Can't wait to see everyone else on here

Charley Tango


Just roaming around looking things over. Will take some geting used to a new format, but I'm sure we'll ajust to it.   I see Plum has been busy moving stuff fron the old cafe to the new one.  Thanks




Yes, it will take a bit of adjusting, but, I don't think this tool bar is much different from MSN's.  It's fairly straight forwards.  (I've seen a few that almost fried my brain trying to figure out how the heck you 'reply' let alone post. wtf.gif )   If need be, I'll write one of my infamous tutorials on how to post. 
Thanks so much, Plum, for helping getting the cafe over here.   Hope you didn't burn out your c&per! omg.gif



Wooohooo, finally figured out ... ummm refigured out how to post here. hmm
No worries Val about my ccp'er... it was smoking but it's still working alright biggrin Time to get ready for work now... see ya soon, either here in the original Attic or in chat.. somewheresmile

laughing lion


evileye  Looks like I'm coming out of my long nap.  Morning all. 
 From Laurie - the laughing lion



Morning, LL!  I'm glad to see folks getting accoustomed to the new boards. 



Hi Val..
Looks good
You've done a lot of work in here
Your amazing...



Aww, thanks, Deb.  As you can see, a little knowledge, alot of imagination, shared ideas - anything is possible! smile.gif



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Well, I can see I need to start paying more attention to our new home. smile  I didn't realize these boards are starting to become active.  Which makes me happy.   I'm counting on everyone to help everyone else figure out the new stuff.  I learned long ago what seems simple to me, can be mind-boggling for someone else, and vice versa.  
Hey, Jan!  How are you?  Glad to see you've been playing a bit. 
They've severe ice storm warnings out - glad I get to stay home today.  
Well, gonna see what else has been going on!



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If today was a song title, it certainly would have been ' Slip sliding away." Solid ice out there.   But my NEW Christmas coat kept me nice and warm!biggrin I just couldn't believe it when I saw it under the tree. (Was from Jess.)  I got all misty eyed putting it on.  This is the first brand new coat, bought just for me,  I've had since I was about 6 years old.   Always had hand me downs.  Even the winter coat I've been wearing the past decade or so had been my son's. ( Is that a hand me up?)



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yawn coffeecup.gif  and :doughnut: anyone?  
Good morning, everybody!  And Happy New Year!  party.gif   Hard to believe 2009 has arrived.  Here's hoping we all find peace, health, and prosperity in this New Year.   Did anyone make any Resolutions?  I didn't really - never seem to actually keep them, so what's the point?   How ever, I am going to try and make it into chat more often, and since I seem to be fading around 10pm,  try and get in earlier - say  8pm cst.   Would 8pm cst work for you guys?  Maybe now that the holidays are over,  we'll all be able to chat more.



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Good morning folks! It's another cold day here. 24 degrees f, but it feels like 13.  Well, that's better then it's been - so we'll take it! 
I trust that everyone had a good Christmas, and survived coming into the New Year.   ( No sympathy for the hung over crowd - ya deserve it! :nanna: ) 


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  Hello everyone!! Greetings from my new island retreat. Sorry Plum, its not quite Tahiti, but it is virtually surrounded by water eyepopping.gif. This pic was taken from the end of my drive way looking towards house, about 24 hours after the water peaked. At its maximum it was about 2 feet higher, almost like a huge lake. Luckily, i managed to get the car and truck out before things got to crazy. In spite of this, we were trapped for about 2 days as water was to deep to walk thru, or running to fast to risk it.Hydro was out for a day or so as well as the phone, quite an adventure biggrin, far worse than last year. Water is gone now but there is a 20 foot section of driveway missing cry, more gravel, more wheelbarrowing, more shovelling.
   Anywho, cant fight the enormous power of Mother nature, just thought that i would show a pic (thought a few folks were sceptical about my flood claims last year lol).....take heed folks ...global warming is for real!!!

    Take care everyone!!! Bye for now jawdrop.gif


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  biggrin cool the picture took and everything.....this isnt so hardbiggrin



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confuse Hate to burst your bubble...but what picture, cj?   Maybe try again?
Chat has been picking up over the last few nights, now that we open as near to 7pm as we can.   I've even seen some long lost nics of original 3 Pawers!   Yee-haw!
Due to sign in difficulties, I've added a help sheet on the menu.   Please refer to it.  Hopefully  it will help.



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I see it now cj!



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Val_10-vi.gifyawnMorning everybody,
Trying to get my tush in gear and do some sever cleaning around here.  Unless there are some volunteers to come over and do it?  No huh?
Heart felt condolances, to CT and his family on the loss of his father-inlaw.
I'm told over 300 people came to the veiwing.   Truly this was a much loved man with a loved family.
Congrats, CJ on earning your membership posting star!  And the find on how to post pictures directly from our pcs?  Simply marvelous!  lol yeah,I am kinda excited about that!  
Well, I better get a move on here.  Hope to see you all tonight in chat!



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Hi Val...
I registered and now it says I can post as me..lol
Thanks for your help



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No problem Didi - now if I could figure out what happen to the tie in to start with confuse....
Rough day....anniversary of my son's passing. Although I must say, it isn't as hard as past years.   It just did a lil number on my head  and I forgot to do somethings that were due yesterday.   My own darn fault, or perhaps it's the onset of old age?     Well....I'll jump that hoop when it comes.  Not sure how strict the state is about 'due' dates.  Since I'm mailing it tomorrow  , maybe it'll sneak in under the radar.   At worse they'll just send it back with a terse note that I need to come in  or not get the aid.   <sigh>   Again my own fault...
Anyways  Happy Tuesday! 



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Sorry to hear about your son Val.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.



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Thanks, Didi.   BTW  anyone know where I can get a decent wig?  I swear I'm about to pull all my hair out!  I hate dealing with the government...angered.gif   lol  oh well -  at least I can say that in the US  and live.  

Today the time is running on swift feet.  I have not nearly done all I should. Nothing large or dramatic.  I've gotten all the Christmas decorations down and packed away, but now I need to wrestle the tree  back into the closet.  Some fun , Bambi... 



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Things are good for the most part...found a penny for when Dad was born and plan on sending it to him :) Had about an hour discussion with an aquainance on the pros and cons of living in a small town...was pretty interesting actually! #1 thing - small town - people recognize regulars!



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:coffee:   Hi all!   Things are going ok today.   As you can see, I've been tinkering around in the site again.   Of course going to work interupted matters.  I did have a pleasant surprise afterwards though - a friend was crusing by and I got a lift home biggrin!  It's the same 3 miles I walk going TO work, but it sure does seem longer.
Hope everyone is well!



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Hi Everyone!

I finally made it here and registered nd the whole bit. Even was able to figure out how to get my pic in the profile! Whoo Hooo! I'm celebrating cause that was SOME task believe me! *giggles* Wow, this place is awesome! It's huge! I feel so tiny in here. Not like MSN at all. Well, I'm off to explore! *hugs*

da BEAN'ette

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Beanettesmile.  Yes, it will take a bit to adjust to our new home.   For you and everyone else, including me!  Moves are nerve racking enough, and when you add folks depending on you to make the right choices... I've tried very hard to get things as close to MSN as I could without shelling out the big bucks.  I guess the 'hugeness' just depends on what you're use to.   Then again we do have the Attic, the Dungeon and everything inbetween  confuse.  What a concept.     lol



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So far so good. Been to the movies tonight. Saw 'Marley & Me'. What a great movie! *hugs*

da BEAN'ette

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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Hey, Everybody!  I hope today found everyone fine and dandy.  Must have been my day for company, unexpected guests kept showing up here - and all of them hungry cynic.gif   Was fun though.
I can't believe it had the nerve to snow again today.  Enough with the snow already!  



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I had a great day today. After church I spent all afternoon by my lonesome and had a wonderful drive. It's nice to get some time alone to think. I realized just how Blessed I really am! :c) *hugs*

da BEAN'ette

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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Sounds as if you had a wonderful day, Beanette!  
Sitting here with my coffeecup.gif  wondering where to even begin today.  So much to do, and I'm lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy this morn.  
Bev, the manager of 40s and 50s Canadian Den, spoke with me last night about adopting them.   It saddened me  in the same way as when Didi and I spoke about the Dungeon coming over.  Maybe it's something only another manager understands.  But, building a group room, tending it, trying hard to make it comfy for everyone isn't exactly the easiest thing - it's alot like raising a child, and as a 'parent' you grow very protective over that child.   In this case the 'child' is your group members, and the room your happy little home.  Then one day MSN decides  you gotta go and evicts you... Where do you go? How do you reconstruct without the tools you are familiar with?  Add in the personal factors ; your time, your energy, factors in your life  that eat away your time (Work, obligations, health, etc.)and what about your members?... the decission weighs heavily on shoulders that care.   You twist and turn it and maybe even cry a bit over it.   Worrying if you will make the right choice, the best choice for all concerned.    <heck pass me a tissue will you?>  



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Awww Val *hands you a tissue*.
I'm not an owner of a group so I can't really say that I know how you feel. All I know is that I'm glad you've adopted us Dungeon'ettes. I'm very new here and I already love it. I'm so Glad Debbie and Trish came along too. I hope more show up. You've done an excellet job and whoever you bring in, I know I'll accept with open arms! *hugs*

da BEAN'ette

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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Outside of feeling like I need to totally recharge things are OK. I don't mean *recharge* like *grab a mocha and I'm ready to go* more like *sleep for a long time* recharge...suspect I have whatever bug is going around

Talked with my best friend recently - he's been without a car for so long I actually forgot that he has one now LOL He talked about coming down to visit me and I was thinking *oh, yeah, that's right, Jon actually has a car now!* - amazing how you forget things like that - but he hasn't had a car until last year (didn't need to really) so I forget that! :)



seeing if I can post



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How is everybody?  It's cold here -  14f for the high, and work just called to let me know that the heat is out there.  We're expecting  it to be colder tomorrow.   Our shop tends to be on the cool side to begin with, so with no heat and even colder temps it's going to be fairly unbearable.   Guess it isn't bad enough I walk the 3 miles there and back in this stuff - now I gotta work in it!?!   Unfortunately due to a death in the family, there's no one to fill in for me so I GOTTA go.   Otherwise, Bridget would tell me to stay home.   Our DM has been informed of the situation, and he actually had the nerve to say, he'd rather we didn't wear our coats.   Tell you what, I will make one heck of a fashion statement.  THAT tune will change, bucko...  I think this is against Oshia law, and we should be closed until the heat is repaired.   



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Wow no heat where you work Val? I would be complaining I tell ya! Sheesh!
As for here, it's -18C and suppose to get to -26C by this evening. I'm also snowed in and hoping that my brother-in-law can come and dig us out soon. I just hate being trapped in my own driveway! *ugh*
Hope you all have a great day!

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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Yipee - got the heat fixed at work.   But the temperature here is miserable.   Today was -10f  and they're saying tomorrow will be -35 f. ( that's -37.222222  in Celcius).  Not looking forwards to walking in that. If it's as bad as they say, will try and catch a cab to go in.   At least it appears the snow has stopped falling for a bit.
This morn I waded through snow knee high in spots  feeling as if I was in a snow globe or something.  Swirling/falling/blowing snow making seeing hard.   It's that soft 'light' snow, so it makes walking difficult  as it won't support any weight.  Some of the banks  the plows have built  are way over my head.  I skirt as many of those as I can.   Tell you I wear so many layers, that if I should fall down, I'd be like a turtle on its back.  shocked.gif

Even where shoveling has been attempted, the sidewalks a little more then snowy paths swatched through walls 2-3 feet high, and some areas higher.    Coming home it took me almost an hour to cover the 3 miles.  You couldn't even see the path I'd taken in.   But then after working all day, I tend to move a little slower too. 



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Oh my Val, that sounds awful! As for here, the snow has stopped falling but the cold weather has come in. It's -33C here without the windchill. I like that the snow has stopped but this cold is taking it's toll on my arthritis. Thank goodness my car started this morning!

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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OK, it looks like I made it in.
     Spent some time yesterday visiting a friend of 50 plus yrs.  He was in a car crash back in November.  I didn't find out until last week, so took some time to surprise him.  I did see him at class reunion this past summer, but didn't get a chance to talk.  He is in a wheelchair, but they have him using a walker more and more to build some strentgh back up. Chat for a couple of hrs did us both good.
     Weather is bitter cold, with highs forecast in single digits.  I look out the window, see blue sky with not a cloud in sight, and a bright sun reflecting off a lot of "white stuff" on the ground.




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It's a gorgeous sunny day here too... but don't let that fool you. It's still FREEZING!!! Brrrrrrr....

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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CT - does my heart good to see you biggrin



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Brrrrrrrr - our high today is 5 degrees.  Was grateful had the day off  and could hide somewhat from it.  I didn't even go down to check the mail.   Tried to work on the site abit, mostly setting up the Canadian Den's 'apartment' here, and finishing up a few sites I've helped move.  Was more like  do a bit, go get warm, do a bit...
Right now, I'm sitting in chat waiting for y'all to start wondering in. I lit a couple of candles and warm my fingers over them now and then.  



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It's finally warmer here today. Thanks goodness because I'm getting stir crazy in the house. I'm off to a day at the mall with my friend this afternoon!

-- Edited by da BEAN'ette at 17:01, 2009-01-17

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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Morning - at least that's the rumour.  coffeecup.gif  The only good part about working today is being Sunday, it's a shorter day, so even though I'm open to close, it should go fairly fast, that and it starts later. What can I say? I enjoy a lil wakeup time in front of my puter. 
I had wayyy too much fun in chat last night.  Folks who hadn't been around in some time wandered in, and a few new faces as well.   If it wasn't for having to work today, I would have been tempted to stay all night! 
I think after MSN 'officially' pulls the groups plug, we'll throw a 'warming party' in chat.   So that all the Attic's "apartments" can say hiya to everyone else.   What do you all think?

-- Edited by valkricry at 21:33, 2009-01-21



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I'm really not much of a chatter but if you have a 'warming party' in chat i just might be tempted to show up! *giggles*

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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coffeecup.gif  Morning.  We seem to be warming up here, forcast calls for 20s all week. I'll take even the teens over negatives.  Annnnnndddd- we have SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!   (Still flippin cold - but...at least not gloomy too.)
Now worries, if you're not a chatter, Beanette, we've always had a lovely mix of chatters, posters, and folks who do both.   Though mind you - you might need depends while chatting. Sometimes things get really really funny.   I missed last night, just too tired, I guess.   I got home, and sat down with a cup of coffee...and that's all I wrote.  Next thing I knew the cats were letting me know they were hungry and needed breakfast. 



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Good Afternoon Everyone,
It's a gorgeous day here today. It's only -12 and sunny! I love it! Was out and about early today so now I have the afternoon to play online! LOL! Hope you all have a great day!

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette

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cat-in-birdcage.jpgHello everyone!!! I have been sidelined for abit, but am back. Flood repairs, phone line repairs etc., but here i am smile, ready to post again! Nice to see some new folks here handshake.gif, love to meet new people, welcome !!!!!  CT thank you for the socks !!! just what i needed, have a pair on right now biggrin! Take care everyone! I will be back soon!!  imslow.gif



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CJ! biggrin Good to see you, buddy!  Are you telling me that 'socks' got hung up in customs???  Boy, they are getting strict, eh?
I hear we might be getting a heat wave in the next day or two - suppose to hit a whopping 30F here!  Wowie!   



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What a day! I just finished watching the Inauguration of Persident Obama. It was amazing.

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette


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It's snowing today and I have a ton of errands to do. See you all later!

*hugs*  da BEAN'ette
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