Hi Debbie, I was wondering if, whenever you have the time... can you add my name to these tags (BEAN'ette)... pretty please? No rush... just when you can. Thank you SO MUCH!! (Please add... Have a sun shiny day!... and my name)
Hi Debbie, The tags you've made for me are awesome!! I just love them all. Thank you so very much!! Only problem is, I can't save them again. Do you think you could please email them to me? I would very much appreciate it. Thank you so much!!
I can't save them like that. The last time you just added them to an email and I was able to save them. I'm sorry for being such a pain... do you think you can try again? Sorry Debbie!!
*doing da happy dance* I just love, Love, LOVE my new tags. Thank you so much for going through all the trouble of emailing them to me. I finally have them saved. *huge hugs*
Hey Beanie I love these tags, would it bother you if I could have my name put on them too? I don't where you get those tags but I lost many of mine in rooms that disappered and I am not a member of any other group but this one. If it is ok, Debbie could you do that? If not, that is ok.