Whoo-Hoo! It's almost here! June 1st, we will be kicking off a members only contest, with prizes!!!
The prizes will be announced closer to the kick-off date - but I promise they will be worth winning!
For this contest you will need to be able to post screenshots. If you are unsure how, read the tutorial . If you still don't get the hang of it email me for additional help : valkricry@hotmail.com. Put your nic @ 3Paws Saloon in the topic line , so I know it isn't spam.
While you're here, why not pop over to the coffee shop and say Hi? Tell us about yourself. I know some of you are a bit worried over your English skills, but it really isn't a issue. We are a national site with members the world over. Come on in
Members in good standing may enter as many times as they wish.
In Golf the lower the score the better. At the end of the contest qualifying member with the lowest score wins the prize.
What Makes a Member in Good Standing?
This is sooo easy: be active in the community. While I understand that many of our members only play in the Gamer's Nook, or watch the movies, I am going to insist that screen shots of your scores be posted.
Why not help the community grow? Post a hello over in the Coffee shop. If you normally just play the games, why not tell us your favorite ones? Read the recipes? How about sharing a few? Love movies? Tell us what kind. Easy peasy .
Dates of the Contest
June 1st -30th
1st Place - Visa Gift Card
2nd place - ???
3rd place - ???
* winners must supply their mailing address for prize to be sent, via email to me.
* After you take the screen shot, in MS Paint you can go to 'resize' and change percentage to 50%, then save. Notice, you can see the date and time that I played.
I swear, sometimes the holes on this game are just plain EVIL! If you look at this screen shot my ball is literally on the edge! I was like "Wha!?!?" so I took the pic. So I gave it a teeny tiny nudge.... and it sailed over the hole and banked off the back bar there and back onto the rough. Par 3 my left foot! I must be off tonight cuz it took 12 over par!!! We won't discus the windmill incident...