I came into this world full of fight and mustard looking, and wanting everything my fists clinched tight, and there you were my guardian angel.
I came into this world sick from, I know not why. Spent several days incubated, tubes here and wires there a clear plastic shield protecting me, I opened my eyes, and there you were my guardian angel.
You cared and feed me each and every hour, your soft hands cradled me and I felt so loved. I have spent several times at the hospital days on end over the years, and each time I was there you stayed with me sharing your love, I awoke from surgery, and there you were my guardian angel.
Now in my young adult years, I still get all the love and caring. The hours of each day you spend caring and watching over me. I come late at night and your still awake worrying for me and my safety, I round the corner, and there you my guardian angel.
You have taught me so well; you may never know just how much you mean to me. Now my guardian angle you have aged and have become weakened by life it is my turn to be there and catch you if you fall.
Your eyes still shine and sparkle brightly when I enter, you have no idea how my heart jumps and does a dance when I see you. It is my turn to bring love and joy to you my guardian angel; I will always be there for you hoping to return all the love you gave to me.
My guardian angle is a mother’s love given to me without reservation; I only hope that over the years I may be able to return to you what I feel inside my day is not complete without you, I hope that when you open your eyes I one day may stand there and be your guardian angel, your son.