Congratulations musical!! That is wonderful news. All I can say is be there for him. Give him lots of love and tons of hugs and kisses. Spoil him then send him home! LOL! I tell my sister that all the time. My job as an Auntie is to spoil them! *giggles* Have fun with him musical! I like his name! :c)
Congrats Mus!!! I agree with Beanie. Spoil them rotten and then send them home. That is what I did for the 2 year old neice I babysit. I bought her an early christmas present today, that Mickey Mouse that dances and sings. By the time we got home with it I was tired of it. LOL I sent her home with it and LET her parents deal with it. LOL
yeah spoil jin big time while you have him..and 2 hours before sending jin sleep..and let parents worry bout it..LOL.. buy loud toys for him to play with..then let them take them home with him..and if nothing else.plenty of sweet to get him hiper to get even with the have 15 neices n nephews..i got even with my brothers n sister that way..but then,we were always picking on each other..and of beanie and trish said.loveum hugum n kissum.. congrats on being a uncle..
Stuff often does not go like we figure...So what's your plan B?
be prepared,be worried,be careful..and watch your 6..
Ok, Mus - I can see where daily spoiling might be a problem considering the distance, but... visit as often as you can and spend time with him whenever possible. Never pass up the chance to talk to him on the phone or IM. It sounds crazy but very soon that lil bugger will LOVE seeing your animated moties! ALWAYS send him a b-day card and remember him on holidays. And don't forget those all important just thinking of you calls and cards. ADDRESS them to him, it'll make him feel important. So, yeah, spoil him as much as you can!