Was drifting thru the world of the internet....thought I would stop by and say Hello to everyone. Same old, same old. Healthy and broke...I guess that is alot better than rich and sick.
Well, either extreme sucks swamp water through a dirty straw. The way I try to see it is: If you have a roof over your head,and food in your belly, then you're probably better off then over half of the world. In America over 10.4 million people classify as 'working poor'. That means you have a job but still fall at or below the poverty line. The economy is rather shakey.
I have a roof....Thank You God!! I haven't a job...no car...no tv....and nowwwwwwwwwwwwww NO WATER for that last week!!! No one can help, everyone is broke.....now all the years I have worked I neverrrrrrrrrrrr been in this position!!!! Like a freakin bummmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
But thank God for my heat and elec. and a somewhat mid winter here in Mich.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yeah!!! and whomevers free wi fi I been tapping into....thanks I will find a way of repaying u some how...am sure!
later u'all and God watch over our wicked souls.....Amen!
i have a part time job where i work 2 days a week..a roof over head.bed to sleep in.clean clothes to wear.food to eat.water electric and phone.yup i be thanfull for it all...
hope things get better for ya Krazy.
Stuff often does not go like we figure...So what's your plan B?
be prepared,be worried,be careful..and watch your 6..
that's their website. They'll help with heat and power and quite possibly with the water (it says help in paying utilities). It's ran by the state. You can also call your local Salvation Army, and churches about help in getting the water turned back on. When you talk to LIHEAP stress that your water is OFF, they take emergencies like that faster.
I'm assuming you've gone to public aid about food stamps, etc. Here in IL, they also offer a job placement program called IDES, they might have something similiar in your state. If you haven't applied for help yet, do so NOW. It's not a sin to ask for it, and you've actually paid for it over the years with your taxes, so it's not begging or a slap to your pride. I know it took me a long time to go because of my pride. You might even qualify for some cash assistance from them. I don't know for sure, but it's worth a shot.
I daughter got Sally Army to help with the water bill, after I had to come up with more than half of it, in order for them to pay some of it.
I get food stamps....50 bucks a month...better than nothing.
All I want is a JOB to feel like a human again!! Too feel respectable, and not have thoughts of bad things....you know when your hungry and your stuff is off...I can see how people become dishonest. I don't think I have that in me...but hell you never know.....I don't like no having a clean body or clothes....you know...we all like nice things...but am happy smelling good and feeling fresh.
Am sure I'll find something..anything full or part time give me some kind of work..I not a lazy slob!!!!
Dear God, please bless our wicked souls...and give us the strength to be honest and careing in our hard times....cuz damm it's getting harder everyday to be honest!!!
only 50 a month for foodstamps? daaaang..seems like you'd get more then that to me..i get 200 a month and work 2 days a week..well krazy..i've been down n out as much as you before..but it was only me.and no one else to support..i hope things get better for ya....
Stuff often does not go like we figure...So what's your plan B?
be prepared,be worried,be careful..and watch your 6..
Well, I know food stamp allotments differ state to state - someone told me even county to county. But $50 sounds really low to me too. Just a thought - when you applied were you getting unemployment too? If you have had any income change at all, you can schedual an appointment with your case worker and they'll review your case and might increase the allotment.
I understand about wanting a job. Wasn't that long ago I was in your shoes. It totally sucks swamp water through a dirty straw and nibbles at your self-esteem. Even when they aren't you feel like people are thinking, "lazy". And the dishonesty thing - well, I felt it too. It wasn't for anything like makeup or a dvd or whatever but basics, like a bar of soap or some shampoo, because I was desperate. Fortunately I always resisted the urge, and you can too.